About 211 Tompkins Cortland

Need Help Finding Help?

Contact 211 Tompkins Cortland!
Dial 2.1.1 or 1.877-211.8667

211 connects people in need with services designed to address that need. When you contact 211, our trained and empathetic community services specialists will listen to you. They will make referrals to other service providers according to your situation. They may also follow up with you later, if appropriate, to offer more assistance.

No question is too big or too small for 211.  Wondering about Food Pantries in the area? Trying to find after school programs for your child? Would you like more help finding employment? Have a concern around housing or health care? We can help with all of these questions, and more.

How to Contact 211

There are many ways to get in touch with 211 and access our information resources. We’re here to help!

Blue, red, and orange speech bubble with the numbers "2-1-1" above the words "Tompkins/Cortland"

Get help by phone:

Dial 2.1.1 on your phone in Tompkins and Cortland Counties (or 1.877.211.8667 toll-free from anywhere) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to get help from a live person! The 211 Tompkins/Cortland Helpline connects people with community services.

Get help by text message:

Text your zip code to TXT211 (898211).  Available Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (EST)

Get help by email:

Email 211 at iandr@hsctc.org.

Get help by live online chat:

Get help from our website:

Search our extensive database of local, state, and national programs to help you address your needs (for Tompkins and Cortland Counties)

Visit the 211Cortland.org website for local programs and resources available in Cortland County


Other Services

211 can provide contact center support services for organizations, answering basic information calls, pre-screening for program eligibility, and gathering survey data. Call for more information.

211 staff are available to give presentations in the community on 211, information and referral services and community services in general. Call or email if you are interested in a presentation for your group or activity.

Banner of blue circles with small white icons indicating services: a house, a bus, a bowl of food, a heart with vital signs, a help-wanted sign, and a dollar sign.

What Brings you to 211 Today?

Here are some of the programs that our 211 staff most frequently refer to community members. Click an item below for resources that may be able to fulfill your need.

Not seeing one that might meet your need? Please call us at 2.1.1 in Tompkins or Cortland Counties (or toll-free 1.877.211.8667) to connect with a 211 community services specialist who speak with you directly to provide information and connections to resources.

  • Ithaca Housing Authority: operates public housing units, administers Section 8 vouchers and offers support services to help residents improve their situations. 607.273.8629 (Public Housing); 607.273.1244 (Section 8)
  • Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services: Promotes quality, affordable housing in Tompkins County through grants and low interest loans for purchasing a home or making home repairs and energy improvements. 607.277.4500 
  • Tompkins Community Action: Umbrella agency for a variety of Community Action programs targeted to help low income residents achieve self sufficiency. 607.273.8816

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.

  • FISH: Offers necessary medical transportation, both local and regional, to Tompkins county residents. 211 or 1.877.211.8667
  • Gadabout: Door-to-door transportation for medical appointments, getting to work, personal errands, social events. 55+ or ADA certified. 607.273.1878

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.

  • 211Tompkins.org/food Updated list of food pantries, mobile food trucks, and community meals
  • Loaves and Fishes: Free hot meals served MWF 12-1 T, Th 5:30-6:30 on site and practical assistance and referrals to people in need, especially those in situations of poverty, homelessness or loneliness. St Johns Episcopal Church, 210 N Cayuga St., Ithaca, NY 607.272.5457
  • Foodnet Meals On Wheels: One hot or other appropriate meals delivered per day five days a week, for persons 60+ and/or ill or disabled persons who cannot leave their homes. 607.266.9553
  • Mutual Aid Tompkins has a network of food sharing cabinets that are stocked with canned goods and other items.  They are open to anyone in need.  Click here to find a cabinet near you.

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.

  • Health Insurance Assistance: Provides help with finding insurance that meets the needs of you and your family. Assistance with enrolling into quality health coverage through the NY State of Health. Call 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667) to connect with a Navigator.
  • Community Health Advocates Provides help with finding insurance that meets the needs of you and your family. Assistance with enrolling into quality health coverage through the NY State of Health. Call 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667) to connect with a Navigator.
  • Ithaca Free Clinic: Walk-in medical care for chronic and acute medical problems and preventive health care services for uninsured and under-insured individuals with FREE medical AND holistic services. Call 607.330.1254.

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.


  • Tompkins County Workforce: comprehensive job assistance to individuals and groups including resume assistance, vocational training. 607.272.7570 
  • Women’s Opportunity Center: Information and assistance for low-income women to overcome obstacles and gain employment, especially services for women who have been out of the workforce. 607.272.1520 
  • Ithaca Youth Bureau-Youth Employment: Helps teenagers ages 14 to 20 find part-time, seasonal and odd jobs (yard work, cleaning, pet sitting, etc.) during school year and summer. 607.273.8364

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.

  • Catholic Charities Samaritan Center: Referrals and assistance to low-income residents with urgent needs. Financial assistance once per year for security deposits, utility shut offs, prescription drug costs, some transportation assistance (bus pass, gas voucher) as available. 607.273.5062 
  • Dept of Social Services Temporary Assistance and SNAP: Financial help for families and individuals needing emergency assistance. Eligibility and benefits vary by household situation. TA: 607.274.5348   SNAP: 607.274.5201 
  • Robin Fund (Administered by GIAC): Benefits individual citizens, families and children of the greater Ithaca community who are undergoing hardship or who may have special needs, e.g., emergency mortgage or rent assistance, family crises, special clothing need. 607.272.3622 Greater Ithaca Activities Center
  • The United Way/211 ALICE Program Program: Residents, and those who work in Tompkins County, may be eligible for a mini-grant of up to $500 per qualified household to address basic need expenses. Learn more by calling 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667)

We hope you find these resources helpful; if you require further assistance please contact us at 211 (or 1.877.211.8667), by email at iandr@hsctc.org, or by chat.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Contact us by phone by dialing 2.1.1 (or 1.877.211.8667) by email at , or by chat. Phone calls are answered 24 hours a day. Emails and chats are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (EST).