Having Trouble Dialing 211?
Please Note: This information is for those seeking 211 services in Tompkins or Cortland counties in New York State. If you are outside of this region, you can find the toll free number to your local 211 by using the search tool on the national 211 website.
It’s easy and convenient to reach us simply by dialing 2.1.1 from your phone. Occasionally, callers have trouble reaching us by dialing the three-digit 2.1.1 number. If that’s the case for you, don’t worry! You can still reach us by dialing our toll-free number, 1.877.211.8667.
Calling from a cell phone?
211 is accessible through all cell phone carriers. If you cannot reach us by dialing 2.1.1 with your cell phone, call us toll-free by dialing 1.877.211.8667. If you are able, please also let your carrier know that you are having trouble reaching us by dialing 2.1.1. We would still like you to call us so that we can assist you directly.
Calling from work?
First, make sure that you are trying to dial an outside line. Often you can get an outside line by pressing “9” before dialing the number. Many business phone systems have an extension 211, so you might end up calling your colleague when you are trying to reach us!
Some business phone systems need to be programmed to dial 2.1.1 correctly. If you cannot dial 2.1.1 from your work phone, please request 2.1.1 dialing access from your technical support or communications department. Until you are provided access, you can reach us toll-free by dialing 1.877.211.8667.
Calling from home?
If you cannot dial 2.1.1 from home, it may be because you are using VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) through a cable company or other provider. While some VOIP providers give their customers access to 211 service, others only provide access upon customer request. To solve this problem, call your service provider’s customer service line and tell them you cannot dial 211. We would still like you to call us so that we can assist you directly. You can reach us toll-free by dialing 1.877.211.8667.
Need other assistance?
If you are unsure of what to do, feel free to contact us at 1.877.211.8667 or by any of the other convenient ways to reach 211:
- By Phone: Dial 2.1.1 in Tompkins County or Cortland County, New York, or dial 1.877.211.8667 toll-free from any location
- By Text Message: Text your zip code to 898211 or TXT211
- By Online Chat: Chat with us by clicking this link
- By Email: Send a message to iandr@hsctc.org