Phone numbers for local emergency services providers appear below. For non-emergency needs dial 2.1.1 (1-877-211-8667)
Fire, Police, Ambulance | 911 (24 hours) | Emergency Assistance |
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Services | 607.272.1616 (24 hours) |
Comprehensive Telephone Counseling (24 hours) |
St. John’s Community Services: Homeless Hotline | 607.354.8990 (24 hours) |
Emergency Shelter |
The Advocacy Center | 607.277.5000 (24 hours) |
Domestic Violence, Rape and Child Abuse Hotline, Emergency Shelter, Support Groups |
NYS Child Abuse Hotline Number |
800.342.3720 (24 hours) |
Child Abuse Reporting |
Tompkins County Department of Social Services (DSS) | 607.274.2444 (24 hours) |
After Hours Emergencies (answered by Tompkins County Sherriff’s office) |
DSS Protective Services: Child | 607.274.5670 607.274.5321 |
Child Abuse |
DSS Protective Services: Adult/Senior | 607.274.5323 | Adult/Senior Abuse |
Non-Emergency Contact Numbers
Ithaca Police Department | 607.272.3245 | non-emergency inquiries |
Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office | 607.272.2444 | non-emergency inquiries |
NY State Police Department | 607.347.4440 | non-emergency inquiries |
Ithaca Fire Department | 607.272.1234 | non-emergency inquiries |
Ithaca Community Outreach Worker | 607.793.3776 (text is okay) | Tammy Baker, non-emergency outreach services |
For more information dial 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667) or visit