HPC Executive Committee Meeting
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Health Planning Council/THN Advisory Board. Fourth Wednesday, every other month Via Zoom unless otherwise noted.
Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Health Planning Council/THN Advisory Board. Fourth Wednesday, every other month Via Zoom unless otherwise noted.
The Homeless and Housing Task Force (HHTF), facilitated by the Human Services Coalition, presents topics that educate and update the community on emergency shelter, supplemental food programs, affordable housing, transportation, and other basic needs of people currently experiencing or at risk of homelessness. The HHTF is also the educational arm of the Continuum of Care (CoC). Meetings […]
Executive Exchange (ExEx) supports and inspires not-for profit executive directors in Tompkins County through personal and professional growth, and networking opportunities that embody diversity, equity, and inclusion in all we do. Monthly meet-ups on the 2nd Thursday of each month Open to ExEx members only. Visit www.hsctc.org/exex to learn about membership.