Eviction Resources

When facing eviction, tenants have a number of resources aimed to help them legally and financially. These resources, made available through the Ithaca Eviction/Displacement Defense (IEDD) Project, will tell you about your rights as a tenant, provide free legal assistance, if needed, and help you determine if you qualify for rent relief assistance–for up to 18 months.

Below are the most common resources.  For more information or further resources such as employment assistance, healthcare, childcare, and financial assistance, tenants can dial 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667), email iandr@hsctc.org  or visit 211Tompkins.org.

211 Tompkins Cortland is a program of the Human Services Coalition.

Tompkins County’s Homelessness Emergency Hotline: This DSS hotline (607.277.5500) provides assistance to persons experiencing homelessness and a range of other emergency situations. Callers can be connected to local resources for housing, food and furniture. There is also a 24-Hour Homeless Emergency Hotline: 607.354.8990.

Tompkins Co.’s Home Energy Assistance DSS’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps Tompkins County residents meet the high costs of home energy and offers emergency assistance. Call 607.274.5264.

Residential (non-commercial) tenants can get free legal advice through the Tenants Legal Hotline.TLH Logo
Callers will be connected with a Cornell law student who works closely with a licensed attorney to provide brief advice. Call 607.301.1560 or email tenantslegalhotline@gmail.com.



LawNY Logo

The Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. is a non-profit law firm that provides free legal aid to people with civil legal problems in Western New York. Their expansive resources cover services in health, housing, employment, family, income, and more. Call 607.273.3667.

The Ithaca Tenants Union is a community organization of Ithaca tenants with a focus on tenant solidarity and community organizing. With a building database of landlord reports and reviews, they provide helpful information to Ithaca renters and stand by their side through any issue they may face. Email them at ithacatu@gmail.com or call 607.358.5048.  

Tompkins Community Action Program Rental Assistance Housing Voucher provides rental subsidies to income-eligible individuals and households through the Ithaca Housing Authority and Tompkins Community Action. Call 607-273-8816.

Catholic Charities Housing Counseling Services

GIAC and Robin Fund

Second Wind Cottages

Ithaca Eviction/Displacement Defense Project (IEDD)

Our community’s vibrancy and strength is contributed by all who live here.  When housing costs threaten to push longtime residents out of the City, we all lose.  The Ithaca Evictions/Displacement Defense (IEDD) project promotes an engaged community where everyone, regardless of income, has access to the opportunities afforded by living here.

  • Prevent displacement from the City of Ithaca by preventing avoidable non-payment evictions through a comprehensive array of strategies.
  • Fortify all available safety nets for tenants and launch the Housing Stability Supplement Program for those most in need.
  • Work with a racial equity lens to ensure the City of Ithaca thrives.
  • The City of Ithaca strives to reduce displacement and increase equity– specifically, Goals #4 and #6 of our Assessment of Fair Housing (2017).
  • 74% of City residents are renters (HUD Consolidated Plan 2019-2023).
  • 56% of City tenants are cost-burdened (rent = more than 30% of their income).
  • 41% of those tenants are severely cost-burdened (rent=more than 50% of income).
  • 49% of Black renters and 45% of Latinx renters are severely cost-burdened, compared to only 25% of white renters (HUD Consolidated Plan 2019-2023).
  • Blacks residents and female-headed households are disproportionately subject to non-payment evictions (2018 local data).
  • Only ~ 3% of tenants in City eviction court had legal representation (2018).
  1. Support Housing Hotline and activities providing tenants with legal advice and accurate information.
  2. Support ongoing monitoring of Housing/Eviction Court proceedings to a) ensure fairness and b) build a local database of eviction cases.
  3. Provide access to full-scope legal representation (legal defense) in eviction proceedings.
  4. Provide tenants with the possibility of arrears payment and housing stability supplements where evictions cannot be diverted or avoided.
  5. Support tenant and community education about tenant rights & people power.
  6. Provide adequate staffing to agencies partnering to educate, monitor, empower, advise, and defend Ithacans against displacement.
  1. Housing Law Practicum at Cornell law
  2. Free brief legal advice, supervised by an attorney available by visiting Ithacatenantresources.org or calling 607.301.1560
  3. Court monitoring of all landlord/tenant cases in the City of Ithaca court
  4. Increasing access to full scope representation by the creation of Housing Law fellow position at LawNY and through an additional housing attorney at LawNY
  5. Growing the pool of pro-bono attorneys available to assist with eviction cases
  6. Housing Stability Supplement Program (HSSP) offers monthly income supports and personalized referrals for City of Ithaca tenants at risk of displacement.
  1. Full-scope representation for 55 tenants faced with eviction.
  2. Tenant rights information to 400 households via Housing Hotline and hardcopy Tenants’ Rights Handbook.
  3. Direct cash benefit via the Housing Stability Supplement for up to 50 eligible tenants for 18 months.
  4. Monitoring of all eviction hearings and development of eviction database.
  5. Development of Pro Bono attorney pool available to assist in eviction defense.

Liddy Bargar, Director of Housing Initiatives, Human Services Coalition.

Carl Feuer, Co-Founder, Tompkins County Workers’ Center & The Robin Fund.

Laura Lewis, Alderperson, 5th Ward, City of Ithaca.

Anisa Mendizabal, Community Development Planner, Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency.

Housing Stability Supplement Program (HSSP)

HSSP FlyerOpen to Low Income City of Ithaca Residents who are:

  • Currently in eviction proceedings and/or
  • Rent burdened and/or
  • Fleeing Domestic Violence

Program benefits include:

  • Direct payments of $300 per month, up to 18 months
  • Personalized assistance from a 211 Housing Specialist

Priority will be given to BIPOC applicants due to the disproportionate instability faced by this community owing to systemic racism.

To learn more or apply for HSSP dial 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667) or email one of our housing specialists.

Brett Irish

Simone Gatson

Contact Us

To learn more  dial 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667) or email our housing specialist.

Brett Irish