Human Services Planning Staff
Human Services Planning
Human Services Planning encourages cooperation among providers to develop well-organized service delivery systems and provides links to local, regional, and national decision-makers. It convenes the Homeless & Housing Task Force, the Continuum of Care, and HSC Forum. This program also provides leadership development training opportunities and consulting to non-profit board and staff.
Health Planning Council
To improve the health of Tompkins County residents, the Health Planning Council conducts community health planning,promotes the development of needed health services and resources, increases access to health care services, and encourages the integration of the various components into a functioning system. Our office provides health insurance assistance in the forms of advocacy and navigation.
211 Tompkins/ Cortland – Information and Referral
211 Tompkins/Cortland – Information and Referral operates at the hub of the Tompkins County services network to promote effective service delivery and efficient allocation of community resources. 211 connects people in need with services designed to address that need by providing a central telephone information service, chat line, and maintaining a data base of community information. Callers are referred to service providers according to their situation. 211 maintains a comprehensive Directory of Services for Tompkins and Cortland Counties. You can reach our contact center 24/7 by dialing 2.1.1 (1.877.211.8667).
Awarded 2019 Not for Profit of the Year by the Tompkins Chamber:
The mission of the Human Services Coalition is to enhance the delivery of health and human services in the Tompkins County area.
We envision a community that embraces the dignity and well-being of all people, supported by a vibrant non-profit sector.
Strategic Plan
HSC Board Members adopted our strategic plan in 2015.
Diversity Initiative
The Human Services Coalition believes that commitment to diversity and inclusion will allow us to meet the highest standard of performance,
quality and services as we work to achieve our mission, vision, and goals.
Learn about our DEIJA Committee