Highlights and History

Creating Solutions Together, the Human Services Coalition self-introduction, could easily have been coined in 1972; both the Tompkins County Planning Department (in its Comprehensive Report of Social Services) and the Social Planning Council, chaired by Ruth Pettengill in 1973, recommended the formation of a group representative of the key human service agencies to meet the need for coordination of planning activities. These innovative thinkers shaped the framework of the Coalition.

Today, that same collaborative ideology allows us to meet the changing needs of our health and human service community as we work to enhance the delivery of health and human services in the Tompkins County area and envision a community that embraces the dignity and well-being of all people, supported by a vibrant non-profit sector.




2000 – 2010

2011 – 2020



The Women's Community Building, a highlight of HSC history until the space was torn down in 2012.

HSC resided in the Women’s Community Building from 1997-2011